Indiana Jones Wiki
Dr Jones, what you look at
"Dr. Jones, what you look at?"
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Belgrade was a corrupt patrol vessel captain who operated off the coast of Bimini.


In 1936, archaeologist Indiana Jones was underwater diving near Paradise Point in search of evidence which supported the existence of Atlantis. He resurfaced next to his raft to find the patrol boat of Belgrade and his crew waiting for him. Belgrade explained that he was on the hunt for looters hoping to claim his country's national treasures but when Jones, who had emerged with a full canvas bag, responded that his research had been authorized back in Bimini, the captain clarified his own position by pulling out his gun.

Armed with only a flare gun, Jones tossed the canvas bag to the boat crew who discovered that the archaeologist's haul was actually a large, irritated moray eel that Jones had ensnared while impeding his search. The distraction allowed Jones enough time to fire the flare into the boat which, more through good fortune than skill, ignited the boat's ammo stores.

As the flames engulfed the vessel, Jones called out to Short Round. His sidekick arrived behind the controls of a speedboat and carried the archaeologist to safety while Belgrade and his men were left to deal with the fire.

