The Bharal, also called the blue sheep, is a caprine native to the high Himalayas. They are found in India, Bhutan, China, Tibet, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. They are related to goats.
Indiana Jones has encountered Bharals during his adventures.
Adventures with Bharals[]
In the later half of World War I, Indiana Jones visited Lhasa, Tibet while working for French Intelligence and the spy Cheng. Indy had to to stop a German spy from acquiring a mustard gas device during a deal that was going to take place in a tower on a mountain. While scaling the mountain, Indy had to avoid monks, monkeys and charging bharals they could easily knock him of the mountain to his death. Despite their best efforts, Indy was able to reach the top of the mountain and enter the tower unharmed.
- Instruments of Chaos starring Young Indiana Jones (First appearance)