Indiana Jones Wiki

The Fortress

The Black Dragon Fortress was the home of the Black Dragon Triad on the island-mountain of Peng Lai. It was heavily guarded by sentinels armed with crossbows and Chinese spears, as well as by the Triad members themselves who were all deadly martial artists.

The only way to access the secretive fortress, other than by air, was by taking gondolas lifts there from a Nazi submarine base at the foot of the mountain.

The architecture of the fort is Imperial Chinese, showing that it was constructed between 500BC-1300AD, it is most likly the latter, as the technology required the construct a fort in such a dismal place would have to be more advanced than in the ancient days.

Temple of Kong Tien

Below the fortress is the mystical temple of Kong Tien, a Chinese demon worshipped by the Triad. The underground temple holds many supernatural secrets including animated corpses, floating ghosts, the Pa Cheng, and the spirit of the demon himself with whom Indiana Jones defeated in 1935.

