"Double Play!" is a three-part story, the final entry in Marvel's Further Adventures of Indiana Jones comic book series. The story is named after the first part of the series, published as issue 32 in November 1985. Part two (titled "Magic, Murder, and the Weather!") followed in January 1986, and part three ("Something's Gone Wrong Again!") completed the series in March.
- René Emile Belloq (Mentioned only)
- Marcus Brody
- Clyde
- Crazy Angus
- Crazy Angus' father (Mentioned only)
- Crazy Angus' grandfather (Mentioned only)
- Crazy Angus' great grandfather (Mentioned only)
- Leonardo da Vinci (Mentioned only)
- Douglas
- Duncan
- Einstein (Mentioned only)
- Geoffrey
- Arthur Hecht (Mentioned only)
- James
- Indiana Jones
- Victoria Keith/Amanda Knight
- Amanda Knight's father (Mentioned only)
- Otto
- Percy
- Mangus Redhand (Mentioned only)
- Sinclair
- Ian Soames
- Alec Sutherland
- Tavistock
- Skeleton
- Eye of Shamash
- Cretan urn
- Incan ceremonial masks
- Sumerian clay tablet
- Mayan calendar stone
- Atlantic Ocean
- Crete (Mentioned only)
- Great Britain
- England
- London (Mentioned only)
- Croydon Aerodrome
- British Museum (Mentioned only)
- Glastonbury Tor (Mentioned only)
- London (Mentioned only)
- Scotland
- Orkney Islands
- The Ring
- Estray Island
- Swanson Boarding House
- Lighthouse
- Moors
- Bay of Estray
- Angus' hovel
- Viking ruins
- Edinburgh (Mentioned only)
- Orkney Islands
- England
- Connecticut, USA
- Marshall College
- National Museum
- Hotel Vance
- Airfield
- Tavistock Residence
- Seven Towers (Mentioned only)
- Shamash (Mentioned only)
- Ea-Al (Mentioned only)
- Devils (Mentioned only)
- Leylines
- Sorcerer (Mentioned only)
- Standing Stones
- Sumerian Legend
- Witches (Mentioned only)
- Arthur Hecht's notebook
- Bedford Police Department
- Boy Scout (Mentioned only)
- Chicken (Mentioned only)
- Curare
- DeHavilland Puss Moth
- Dowsing rod
- Fedora
- Indy's pistol (Mentioned only)
- Bullwhip
- King Kong
- Lion (Statue)
- Night and Day
- Royal Air Force (Mentioned only)
- Scotland Yard
- Skeleton
Behind the scenes[]
In the third issue, Estray Island is mispelled as "Estry Island".
This story was not originally intended to have the final issue in Marvel Comics' The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones comic book series. Another one was to follow, but Marvel canceled the series before another issue could see a release.
Cover gallery[]
previous | next | |
1937 | 1937 | 1937 |
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones: "Big Game" |
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones: "Double Play!" |
Indiana Jones and the Wrath of Hecate |