Indiana Jones Wiki

Indiana Jones threatens the Ark.

The grenade launcher, as commonly known as bazooka, is a weapon that fires projectiles.


A prototype grenade launcher was present at Geheimhaven in 1936.[1] With it Indiana Jones threatened to destroy the Ark of the Covenant unless Marion Ravenwood was freed from German capture.[2]

However, René Emile Belloq called Jones's bluff which resulted in his capture.[2] Jones had marveled at Nazi ingenuity when he found the prototype weapon and was reminded of the Flying Wing he had encountered earlier at Tanis.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The RPG used at Geheimhaven in Raiders of the Lost Ark is anachronistic as they were not yet invented in 1936. The movie weapon, a customized rocket launcher made-up to resemble World War II-era anti-tank weapons, was later noted to be a prototype in-universe in Ryder Windham's junior novelization of the film.[1]



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