Indiana Jones Wiki
Forums: Index > The Raven > Mistake in behind the scenes info.

I notice a mistake in the behind the scenes notes in section under "Bedford". In it was stated that before the recent movie that it was believe that Marshall College was in New York instead of Connecticut. This statement is false, because anyone who read "The further adventures of Idiana Jones" produced by Marvel Comics back in 1984 knew where the college resided. ( Here are some of them, issue numbers 9, 13 14,26,32, and thats only the ones I could find ). In issue number 14 it clearly places it in Eastern Connecticut. ( Maybe they were thinking Yale even back then.) I Know they never called the college by name in Raiders, but I read that when they did the novel they needed a name for the college ( and we all know now who it was name after ) so it became Marshall. As I have never read the novel, I have no idea if the state was mentioned or not. Here I go again correcting you guys, sorry about that.

Ct Indy

I updated the page to include the information you provided - but feel free to edit the page yourself to include more information - after all, this wiki can be edited by anyone, and it's clear that you have got good information! Jawajames 05:34, 1 October 2008 (UTC)