Indiana Jones Wiki

"Indy! What am I going to tell your dad?"

Frank Jones was Indiana Jones' cousin, the son of Indy's aunt Grace and uncle Fred.


Frank Jones was born around 1897[2] to Fred and Grace Jones,[3] who owned a ranch outside Albuquerque, New Mexico.[1]

In April 1908 Frank was present when Anna Mary Jones visited their ranch.[4]

In the spring of 1916, Indy and his father visited Frank and his parents at their ranch. Prior to their visit, Frank had mailed Indy a letter claiming he had made a great discovery. Once Indy had arrived, Frank revealed his discovery - an advertisement for a bordello in Mexico, and convinced Indy he had a plan to get them there without their parents knowing.[3]

At breakfast the next morning, the boys got permission to go on a camping trip toward Red Butte, and headed out on foot, hitching rides south toward the border crossing at Columbus. On the way, Indy told his cousin about his archaeological adventures in Egypt, and about Demetrios and Ned.[3] They also ogle a photo of Mata Hari found in a magazine,[1] a person that Indy would end up meeting later that year.[5]

After spending a night under the stars along the road, they reached Columbus early in the morning. After talking to an old Sentry about where to go for "action" in Mexico, Frank and Indy came under fire as a raid led by Pancho Villa hit the town. As Indy took a horse to chase a bandit who had robbed a local woman, Frank shouted after him asking about what to say to his father.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Stephen Graf portrayed Frank in Curse of the Jackal, and reprised the role in additional footage shot for the home video release of Spring Break Adventure.[1]

The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones includes a letter from Nancy Stratemeyer to Indiana Jones, addressed to him in New Mexico, care of Frank Jones,[4] which suggests that Frank's last name is Jones - and meaning his father is likely Fred Jones, and his mother is likely Grace Jones.

In the game The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Revolution if the player decides to not help retrieve the clothes of the robbed woman in Columbus, Frank Jones is killed by Villa's men.[6]



Notes and references[]
