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Indiana Jones and the Interior World is the sixth novel in the series of original Indiana Jones stories published by Bantam Books, and the last written by author Rob MacGregor. It was released in December 1992.

Publisher's summary[]


A strange mystery connects the whispering moai statues of Easter Island to the eerie ghost ship of Chiloé Island, leading Indiana Jones on a dangerous quest into a hidden interior world. Earlier Indy accidentally caused an imbalance between the two worlds when he disposed of a fabled but dangerous relic. Now, the leader of an unstoppable army uses this artifact to enter our world and for a deadly alliance with an even darker force....

For centuries man has told tales of a hollow earth, or an underworld, populated by a mysterious race and strange characters. Sometimes describing an underworld of death, sometimes another dimension, these stories tell of mermaids, ghost ships...and a cosmic balance that must be restored lest the powers within march to conquer the outside world—and only Indiana Jones holds the key!

Plot summary[]

Channels of Paradise, 1928[]

Salandra secretly tails Maleiwa and two of his Wayuan lieutenants to the Channels of Paradise for the 1928 fall equiniox. As the gate opens to the outer world, the Wayuans pass through, and Maleiwa returns with the alicorn before the portal is closed in an explosion from the surface world.

Easter Island, Spring 1929[]

While on a dig with Marcus Brody and several other archaeologists in 1929, Indiana Jones met the local museum curator Davina, who invited him to meet secretly with the Matuans. They had found Jones worthy to view ancient Rongo-rongo tablets so that he could decipher the Rongo-rongo language. Jones planned to stay on Easter Island after the other archaeologists left, but decided to accompany Brody to the island of Chiloé to find his missing friend Hans Beitelheimer.

Chiloé, June[]

From restaurant owner Jorge Fernandez, Jones and Brody learned that Beitelheimer had lived there under the name Juan Barrios. He had painted several haunting paintings, then had disappeared but supposedly had been seen last on the ghost ship Caleuche, a local legend. The next day in the market, the pair discovered that there are not one but two people who looked like Beitelheimer. After hearing that the crew of the ghost ship had commandeered Antonio's house near Ancud, the two went to investigate. In the dark, Jones was guided by a ferocious dog to a man guarding a shed. The guard, who was one of the Beitelheimers, attacked Jones but was killed by the dog. Jones freed the other Beitelheimer who turned out to be named Sacho, whose dog had just killed the real Beitelheimer. Sacho killed Antonio, captured Jones and Brody, and took them to the ghost ship. On approaching the Caleuche, they tried to escape but Jones drowned.

Jones awoke alive aboard the ship, and the leader Salandra filled Jones in that they were not ghosts or pirates. She was a Pincoyan princess who sought Jones as the only one who could stop the threat of Maleiwa, who wielded the power of the alicorn. Jones had previously discovered the alicorn but had given it up, but as someone who once held the horn, he alone could take it from the Wayuan leader.

Interior World[]

As the ship arrived in Pincoya, the illusionist Sacho took on the form of Jones' father and tried to kill him, but Salandra incapacitated him with her dart crossbow in time. She explained how Pincoya was part of the interior world and how nalca was vital to the survival of those who travel to the opposite world, like Jones. While she had been gone, her father, King Vicard had been deposed and Maleiwa now was in charge. With Jones and Salandra imprisoned, Maleiwa explained his plan to collaborate with Adolf Hitler on the outer world, then betray him and conquer both worlds. With the help of a loyal guard, Salandra and Jones escaped and dove into a waterfall that led to an underground pool. After they fought off a giant octopus-like monster and leeches, Salandra realized that they had entered Minhocoa, the realm between the interior and exterior worlds.

The two ventured into the stomach of Minhocoa, a giant labyrinth, and faced off against more of the Roraima mountain dogs. In the maze, the dogs were killed by a creature whose appearance kept changing in response to Jones' and Salandra's thoughts. Jones and Salandra slept the night in the maze, encountering strange visions, and got separated. Once reunited, the creature extracted promises from both of them - it would let them escape if they provided it with Maleiwa to consume.

Colombia, September[]

Jones and Salandra emerged from underground in the mountains near Popayan, Colombia. Salandra explained that time passed differently between the interior world and the world above, as well as that there were many gates between the two worlds, including at Easter Island, and in the Sierra Nevada mountains not far from Santa Marta. Jones planned to leave Salandra on her mission and return home, but timing kept him from telling her. In Santa Marta, they met Ricardo, who offered to guide them. After having Brody wire him some money, the three set off to the highest mountains to find the Kogis, a tribe that served as Gatekeepers, guardians of the local portal to the interior world. Impressed how Jones had humanely thwarted some grave robbers, the Kogis let them to their outpost. Salandra revealed that she could change shape into different forms, and usually travelled as a falcon. After dinner, Ricardo revealed himself as a Pincoyan, and he had tricked Jones into staying on the journey up the mountain with a false story about a missing priest. Upset, Jones decided to leave, but then the Wayua came through the gate and started to find him, and Jones and Ricardo followed Mama Juan to pass through a tree into the interior world.


Jones awoke on a tepui in Roraima, and Ricardo revealed himself as King Vicard. Salandra arrived and the three descended the tepui and were met by some of Vicard's guards. The whole group was pursued by Wayua horsemen into Swampland, where the surviving guards were picked off, first by a dragon, then by a giant, who in turn was eaten by a dinosaur. Separated from the others, Jones escaped in a dugout canoe and found a safe beach to collapse on.

Jones dreamed that he was seeing Maleiwa leading his army to the Unicorn's Gate. He awoke to find Salandra and Vicard with him again, and they journeyed into the foggy hills, with Jones somehow intuiting the way towards Maleiwa. They were attacked by the Wayua, but were saved by a herd of unicorns. Maleiwa passed through the gate, and Jones followed, and the two emerged on the top of the head of the Statue of Liberty. The two fought, and Jones seized the alicorn, and threw it off, causing it to shatter. Without the alicorn and then separated from his supply of nalca, Maleiwa lost his strength and fell off the statue - all the way into Minhocoa.


Several days after his battle with Maleiwa, Jones became finally convinced that the interior world was real and wanted to share the knowledge with the world. Brody cautioned him not to, advising that the archaeologist's experience could be explained rationally. Hypothetically, Jones could have been kidnapped and subjected to hallucinatory drugs that created these visions of adventuring in the interior world as well as blackouts that explained the time lapses. As a captive, Jones would have been taken from Chiloé to the border region of Colombia and Venezuela where there were tepuis, and local place names and native mythologies that matched the names in his adventures. Jones was left unsure whether or not his experience had been real or just a drug-induced illusion.






  • Anasazi (Mentioned only)
  • Inca Empire (Mentioned only)
  • Invisible Alliance
  • Kogis / Gatekeepers
  • Long Ears (Mentioned only)
  • Matuans
  • Pincoyans
  • Second Order of the Golden Dawn (Mentioned only)
  • Short Ears (Mentioned only)
  • T'ang Dynasty (Mentioned only)
  • United Council
  • Wayuans


  • Arctic (Mentioned only)
  • Ceiba (Mentioned only)
  • Constantinople (Mentioned only)
  • Delphi (Mentioned only)
  • Egypt (Mentioned only)
  • Germany (Mentioned only)
  • Interior world
  • Land of the Lost (Mentioned only)
  • Moon (Mentioned only)
  • Polynesian islands (Mentioned only)
  • Stonehenge (Mentioned only)
  • South America
    • Amazon (Mentioned only)
    • Chile
      • Chiloé
        • Ancud
          • Restaurant Caleuche
        • Castro (Mentioned only)
        • Chonchi
          • Antonio's house
        • Huidad
      • Easter Island
        • Anakena Beach
        • Hanga Roa
        • Orongo
        • University of Santiago (Mentioned only)
      • Puerto Montt (Mentioned only)
      • San Fernandez Islands (Mentioned only)
      • Santiago (Mentioned only)
    • Colombia
      • Cartagena (Mentioned only)
      • Guajira Peninsula (Mentioned only)
      • Popayan
      • San Andrés de Pisimbala
      • San Augustin (Mentioned only)
      • Santa Marta
        • Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino (Mentioned only)
        • Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta
          • Kogi outpost
    • Venezuela (Mentioned only)
      • Gran Sabana (Mentioned only)
  • Switzerland (Mentioned only)
  • Trafalgar Square (Mentioned only)
  • United States of America
  • Venice (Mentioned only)
    • St. Mark's Cathedral (Mentioned only)


Cover gallery[]

Indiana Jones novels
Raiders of the Lost Ark · Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade · Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: The Mata Hari Affair
Cancelled: Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
Original stories
Indiana Jones and the Peril at Delphi · Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants
Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils · Indiana Jones and the Genesis Deluge
Indiana Jones and the Unicorn's Legacy · Indiana Jones and the Interior World
Indiana Jones and the Sky Pirates · Indiana Jones and the White Witch
Indiana Jones and the Philosopher's Stone · Indiana Jones and the Dinosaur Eggs
Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth · Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Sphinx
Indiana Jones and the Army of the Dead
Overseas exclusives
Indiana Jones and the Feathered Serpent · Indiana Jones and the Longship of the Gods
Indiana Jones and the Gold of El Dorado · Indiana Jones and the Sword of Genghis Khan
Indiana Jones and the Lost People · Indiana Jones and the Secret of Easter Island
Indiana Jones and the Labyrinth of Horus · Indiana Jones and the Avalon Inheritance
Young adult Indiana Jones novels · Timeline of novels
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May / June 1928 Spring 1929 1930
Indiana Jones and the Unicorn's Legacy Indiana Jones and the Interior World Indiana Jones and the Sky Pirates