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Indiana Jones und das Schwert des Dschingis Khan (English: Indiana Jones and the Sword of Genghis Khan) is a novel by German author Wolfgang Hohlbein, his fourth in the series of original Indiana Jones novels published by Goldmann Verlag.

Publisher's summary[]

Original German[]

Washington, russische Botschaft. Die schöne Sowjetkommissarin Tamara Jaglova lädt Indiana Jones ein, an einer Expedition in die äußere Mongolei teilzunehmen. Es geht um eine alte Legende. Und darum, was passieren könnte, wenn die Legende Wahrheit wird. Wenn das Schwert des Khan gefunden wird, so die Sage, wird das Mongolenreich zu alter Größe wiederauferstehen. Die wilden Horden sind bereit. Ein hochriskantes Unternehmen für Indy, auf den Gegner aller Nationen warten: Russen, Chinesen, Deutsche und Japaner. Eins jedoch ist klar. Einem Abenteuer weicht man nicht aus. Und so beginnt eine wilde Hetzjagd quer über die Kontinente.

English translation[]

Washington, Russian embassy. The beautiful Soviet commissioner Tamara Jaglova invites Indiana Jones to take part in an expedition to outer Mongolia. It concerns an old legend. And what could happen if the legend is true. If the sword of Khan is found, according to the tale, the Mongol empire will be resurrected to its former size. The wild hordes are ready. A risky venture awaits Indy, with enemies from all nations: Russians, Chinese, Germans and Japanese. One thing is clear, however. You can't escape adventure. And so begins a wild hunt across the continents. summary[]

Washington, Russian embassy: The beautiful Soviet commissioner Tamara Jaglova invites Indiana Jones to take part in an expedition to Outer Mongolia, where the legendary Sword of Kahn is being sought out in the hopes of restoring the Mongolian Empire to its former glory. Indy must compete with rivals from Russia, China, Germany and Japan in a race to find the sword that will span several continents.




  • Sword of Genghis Khan


External links[]

Indiana Jones novels
Raiders of the Lost Ark · Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade · Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: The Mata Hari Affair
Cancelled: Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
Original stories
Indiana Jones and the Peril at Delphi · Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants
Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils · Indiana Jones and the Genesis Deluge
Indiana Jones and the Unicorn's Legacy · Indiana Jones and the Interior World
Indiana Jones and the Sky Pirates · Indiana Jones and the White Witch
Indiana Jones and the Philosopher's Stone · Indiana Jones and the Dinosaur Eggs
Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth · Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Sphinx
Indiana Jones and the Army of the Dead
Overseas exclusives
Indiana Jones and the Feathered Serpent · Indiana Jones and the Longship of the Gods
Indiana Jones and the Gold of El Dorado · Indiana Jones and the Sword of Genghis Khan
Indiana Jones and the Lost People · Indiana Jones and the Secret of Easter Island
Indiana Jones and the Labyrinth of Horus · Indiana Jones and the Avalon Inheritance
Young adult Indiana Jones novels · Timeline of novels
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May 1941 Summer 1941 July 1941
Indiana Jones und das Labyrinth des Horus Indiana Jones und das Schwert des Dschingis Khan Indiana Jones and the Pyramid of the Sorcerer