Indiana Jones Wiki

Doctor Jastro was an archaeologist.


In 1929, Jastro led an expedition to Iceland sponsored by Barnett College. The excavation uncovered many mysterious artifacts dating back to 1500 BC. Indiana Jones, a member of Jastro's team on his first "real job", would later recall the senior archaeologist as "sloppy" and "a braggart."

After the Iceland expedition, Jastro went to the Azores and found more Atlantean artifacts, but hid them in a cave near Horta.

Behind the scenes[]

While Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis mentions the Jastro Expedition by this name, the meaning and its origin are not explained. Jastro is a minor community in California.

The comic adaptation reveals that "Jastro" was a person and some slight background is given about him.

