- "Indiana Jones. I always knew some day you'd come walking back through my door. I never doubted that. Something made it inevitable."
- ―Marion Ravenwood[src]
Marion Ravenwood (also known as Marion "Mary" Williams around 1938 to 1957) was the daughter of the American archaeologist Abner Ravenwood and the wife of Colin Williams, and later, Indiana Jones, with whom she had a son, Henry III, nicknamed "Mutt".
After a relationship in the mid-1920s, Marion and Indiana Jones wouldn't see each other again until 1936, when the pair joined forces to track down the Ark of the Covenant that was Abner Ravenwood's obsession. During that time, Marion and Jones rekindled their romance to the point where they almost married. However, Jones had second thoughts and the relationship ended a week before the wedding. Instead, Marion would go on to marry Colin Williams but the child she bore was fathered by Jones.
Williams was killed during World War II and Marion would once again reunite with Jones, this time in 1957, when she was kidnapped as part of a Soviet plot to find the Crystal Skull of Akator. Afterwards, Marion and Jones finally succeeded in getting married. The two were together for over a decade before grief following Mutt's death in the Vietnam War threatened to drive them apart. Although their marriage was tested, Indiana and Marion eventually reconciled.
Early life[]
- "I was a child. I was in love. It was wrong and you knew it!"
- ―Marion Ravenwood, to Indiana Jones[src]

Abner Ravenwood, Marion's father.
Marion Ravenwood was born on March 23, 1909,[2] the only child[8] of the famous archaeologist and treasure-hunter Abner Ravenwood.[2] For her tenth birthday, Abner took Marion to the Washington Monument.[9]
As a girl, Marion was never particularly interested in her father's work—until 1925[2]—when a dashing Indiana Jones,[1] who had completed his graduate studies at the Sorbonne,[8] was asked to help his former mentor track down the Ark of the Covenant.[2] The first thing Jones ever noticed about Marion were her blue eyes.[7] Attracted to her maturity, beauty[2] and similar childhood,[10] Jones romanced Marion,[2] with the pair sharing their very first kiss inside the closet of a university library.[11] During their time together, Marion came to notice how Indy would practice with his bullwhip every day[12] and sometimes sweared that he had the luck of a saint.[13]
Indy and Marion's intense courtship,[1] which didn't last a year,[2] came to an abrupt end when Jones suddenly exited her life, promising that he would be back.[12] When their coupling was eventually discovered by Abner,[1] who had continued to work with Jones for a time,[14][15] his friendship with his most gifted student collapsed.[1] In their last conversation together, Abner accused him of taking advantage of Marion's "brainless infatuation" and twisting her to his purpose. As Jones left the Ravenwoods, he would not see Marion again for almost ten years.[12] Marion, furious at Indy, found it easy to blame her tide of misfortune on him.[10]
Afterwards, Abner kept Marion close. Unwilling to see his only child living alone, Ravenwood brought Marion along on his travels all over the world.[16] Although she was privileged to travel to some exotic locations as a young girl, the experience was hardly luxurious.[10] In search of clues to the Ark's location, they journeyed across Europe, Egypt, Iraq and Iran,[16] with Marion begrudgingly accompanying him nearly every step of the way.[2] The pair eventually settled[16] in Patan,[12] Nepal and started[16] a rough-and-tumble bar,[10] which he christened The Raven. Abner used their income to finance his excavations in the surrounding mountains.[16] For several years, Marion managed the bar while the proceeds benefited her father's expeditions in the surrounding mountains. It was a difficult life, but the constant flow of alcohol provided Marion with some amount of solace.[1] It was while living in Nepal that she learned how to pick a lock.[5]

Marion in 1934.
In 1934, Marion was robbed. She chased the thief to Tibet and met the newest member of the Adventure Society at a valley village with Yeti footprints running through it. Marion and the recruit joined forces and found the tracks led to the Yeti lair, a cave complex where the Man with the Silver Eye's mercenaries had chased off the creatures. The pair eventually discovered that Silver Eye was looking for immortality from the lost city of Shangri-La and moved to destroy the entrance before he could reach it.[17]
Marion then turned her attention back to the one who had robbed her and the item that was stolen: the Headpiece to the Staff of Ra. Assisted by the Adventure Society recruit, the pair tracked the thief to a monastery.[17]
Return of Indy[]
- "Until I get back my five thousand dollars, you're gonna get more than you bargained for. I'm your goddamn partner!"
- ―Marion Ravenwood, to Indiana Jones[src]

Marion with the Headpiece to the Staff of Ra
When Abner disappeared in early 1936, believed killed in an avalanche while searching for the Ark,[16] Marion took charge of The Raven.[1] Left with no money, so she had to work at the bar.[12] With her brawny barman Mohan, she made a living in Patan.[1] She supplemented what meager income The Raven took in[10] by winning at drinking contests,[1] beating burly opponents twice her size[10] and selling off most of Abner's collection of archaeological finds.[2] though some eleven Macedonian Coins and a Jewelled Scimitar were kept secret even from her for fear she would sell them [16] A Giant Sherpa was a frequent patron in her bar and she knew he was the type who could be bought by anybody for a couple glasses of booze.[12]
She was contemplating a return to the States by the time she beat Regan in a drinking contest,[1] yet the cash would keep her business afloat for a few weeks but not take her to the nearest seaport.[18] However,[1] after almost ten years,[12] Indiana Jones suddenly reappeared on her doorstep. She did not extend a warm welcome, instead she gave him a punch in the face but reluctantly agreed to part with one of her father's artifacts — a medallion referred to as the Headpiece to the Staff of Ra — for the sum of three thousand dollars. She initially feigned ignorance about its whereabouts,[1] relishing finally getting the upper hand on Jones.[10]

Marion taken hostage in her bar.
However, Indy was not the only one with designs on the medallion. A Nazi officer named Toht confronted Marion and Indy at The Raven, and in the ensuing struggle, the tavern burned down. As Indy's ambitions had effectively robbed Marion of her livelihood, she felt justified declaring herself Indy's partner.[1]
Together, the pair traveled to Cairo, Egypt. There, Jones and Ravenwood met up with the archaeologist's old friend, Sallah el-Kahir. It was at the digger's residence that they came across a lone Capuchin monkey, that the former bartender promptly adopted, joking to Indy that the primate was their "baby".[1]
As their relationship was reinvigorated, Marion left an Adventure Journal as a gift in one of Jones' suitcases.[19][20]
After taking some photos[8][21] and while shopping in the city marketplace buying dates, Marion and Jones were ambushed by a band of local thugs coordinated by German agents. Thanks to the latter's skill with a bullwhip, Ravenwood evaded capture but, eventually, she crossed paths with another hitman, who drew a knife on her. She was chased into a dark building by the thug, who was knocked out by Marion with a frying pan.[1]
Moving the unconscious thug out of sight, Marion hid inside an empty basket. Her plan backfired as the Capuchin, actually in the service of a Nazi informant known as Monkey Man, had apparently witnessed her taking cover. Climbing atop the basket, she screeched, revealing Ravenwood's position to the enemy. Marion was subsequently kidnapped by the thugs and taken away, loudly screaming and calling out for Jones to help her.[1]
After quickly dealing with a menacing Arab Swordsman, Indy managed to track down his captured partner, who was being loaded onto a Nazi troop truck full of explosives. Using his pistol, the archaeologist successfully disabled the vehicle and killed the driver, an action that caused the truck to crash and explode.[1]

Marion threatening Belloq with a knife.
Indy believed Marion was dead until, by a fortunate accident, he stumbled upon her bound and gagged in one of the Nazi tents and realized that the baskets must have been switched. To Marion's chagrin, he decided to leave her, reasoning that an escape would draw too much unwanted attention to his hunt for the Ark of the Covenant and re-gagged her. The perceived betrayal did not affect Marion's refusal to cooperate with her captors, however. Belloq's advances resulted only in an aborted escape attempt, and Toht's interrogation was likewise met with uncommon resistance.[1]

Marion and Jones in the Well of the Souls.
After recovering the Ark, Toht threw Marion into the Well of Souls to die with Indy. The intrepid pair managed to escape and Jones intercepted the Ark en route to Cairo. Indy and Marion then fled aboard a merchant steamer, the Bantu Wind, but the Nazis persevered. After threatening the ship's captain, Katanga, the Nazis took Marion and the Ark aboard their U-boat. Indy secretly gave chase, clinging to the submarine's periscope for the duration of the voyage.[1]
The Nazis took the Ark[1] to Geheimhaven,[16] a small island north of Crete, and there Indy made a desperate attempt to free Marion before being captured himself. Fortunately for the both of them, the opening of the Ark unleashed the Wrath of God upon their Nazi captors, leaving Marion and Indy as the sole survivors of the ordeal.[1]
Back in the States[]
- "Look, lady, I get along pretty well by myself! I don't need you, I--
--I love you." - ―Indiana Jones, to Marion Ravenwood[src]

Marion in Washington DC.
Marion accompanied Indiana Jones back to the US, and comforted him when the government cut short his research into the Ark's powers.[1] She was there for Jones again when the government entrusted him with a mission to undermine the Nazi archaeologist Plebinheim's pursuit of the Mazatec Power Key in Mexico. Marion distracted some of the Nazis at a hotel in Mexico City which bought Indiana Jones time to escape into the jungle for his expedition. When she caught up with him, her timely arrival in a borrowed de Havilland biplane allowed her partner, trapped by the Germans on a mesa, to jump into the craft to safety. Although Marion ended up kidnapped by Plebinheim to be used as a sacrifice to unleash the destructive capabilities of the Mazatec Power Key upon America, Jones rescued her, and the artifact itself was taken into the care of an enigmatic native.[22]
While struggling to define her often complicated relationship with Jones, Marion tried her hand at various professions. With the money she had received for assisting Indy in finding the Ark, she established The Raven's Nest, a nightclub,[10] in Manhattan's fashionable east side, with Indiana as a silent partner. Within days of opening, it was burned down by the club's conniving decorator, Jamal.[4] Left without steady employment,[23] Marion joined Indy on a expedition in West Africa leading them to encounter the Shintay, outcasts from Atlantis.[24]
After taking a stab at freelance journalism, Ravenwood accepted a more stable position working public relations at the National Museum. The role led to a number of further adventures with Jones, including a search for her presumed dead father in Nepal.[25]
It contains information that originates in a source that has not been deemed definitively canon.
During her stint as the National Museum's public relations agent, Marion found her father's correspondence with Indiana Jones over the Temple of the Forbidden Eye and was shocked that the two had been communicating during their decade long estrangement. Seeing that Abner had also written to Jones's digger companion Sallah and was trying to save the archaeologist from being killed by his own excavation in the Lost Delta, Marion reflected that "parents are complicated" and took some reassurance that, in the end, Abner and Indiana had been headed towards a reconciliation of sorts.[26]
Sometime afterwards, Marion found a considerable amount of the archive stored within baskets, an unwanted reminder of her experiences in Cairo. At the National Museum's annual gala, Marion was cornered by the American businessman and millionaire Walter Donovan, who bored her to tears with his theories surrounding the Lance of Longinus. Unable to withstand any more stories about Longinus' spear, Marion excused herself, recalling Abner's advice to never trust someone who prioritized an artifact's value over its historical importance.[26]
Later that year, frustrated by her dynamic with her beau one time too many, Marion Ravenwood disappeared, leaving only a note in her absence: "Mr. Jones, I've got to get away. Don't you dare come looking for me."[27]
- "I didn't keep my promises."
- ―Indiana Jones[src]
In 1937,[2] Marion Ravenwood and Indiana Jones had worked out their differences and even got engaged,[7] with news of their plans reaching the ears of Indy's father.[28] One week before the wedding, however, Indy reconsidered and suddenly broke it off,[7] having privately convinced himself that the marriage would not work and that Marion wouldn't want to be tied to a man who would be away half the time. He had wanted to spare her the hurt of a lonely life.[29]
Around August, Jones threw himself into an expedition to Siwa, uncovering a Cat Mummy in the process, leaving Marcus Brody not knowing what to say to an exasperated Marion when she called. By the time Jones returned Stateside, Marion was gone. When the artifact was stolen from Marshall College in October, Jones rushed off around the world to retrieve it, haste which Brody recognized as his friend, at least in part, running away from his problems. Third Reich Special Antiquities Collection agent Emmerich Voss analyzed Jones as being afraid of becoming his father.[19]
Poisoned by frog in Sukhothai, Siam during his quest for the Great Circle, Jones hallucinated that he was back at the university where his classroom chalkboard noted that an August 5, 1937 wedding wouldn't work accompanied by another message saying that it would never work. However, in Indy's compromised mindscape, his memories Marion were merged with his perceptions of Gina Lombardi, a journalist who was assisting him on his expedition.[19]
Unbeknownst to Jones, he had also walked out on his son: Marion had become pregnant[7] in the fall of 1937.[30] In July 1938,[2] Marion gave birth to Henry "Mutt" Jones III. Marion started dating an RAF pilot named Colin Williams three months after Mutt was born, and married him soon after. Although Indiana Jones eventually reached out to her in writing, it was too late. Mutt grew up thinking Colin, who died during World War II, was his biological father. Marion raised him with her close friend Harold Oxley, who, like Indiana, was a former student of Abner.[7]
Together again (again)[]
- "Someone told me you were back. Are you back, Indy?"
- ―Marion Ravenwood[src]

Marion reunited with Indiana Jones in 1957.
When Oxley went missing in Nazca, Peru in 1957, Marion received a letter from him and went looking for him.[7] While she knew it was risky, Ravenwood felt she owed Oxley for everything he had done for her over the years, but the moment she stepped a foot in Lima after her flight from Mexico City,[29] Marion was captured by Russians led by Irina Spalko, who also had captured Oxley from the Nazca sanatorium.[7] As threatening Marion's life wasn't working to persuade the now-insane Oxley to decipher the Crystal Skull of Akator, Spalko and her men let her escape.[29] She was able to get a letter to Mutt, enclosing Oxley's letter and telling Mutt to find Indiana Jones before being recaptured by the Soviets.[7]
Marion again encountered Jones when he and Mutt were also captured by the Russians. She accompanied Indy, his partner George McHale, Mutt and Oxley into a South American rainforest and Inca temple in a search for the Crystal Skull of Akator. They became close once more and when a life threatening situation arose stranding in dry quicksand, she revealed that Indiana was Mutt's father. On managing to escape the pit, they were once again taken prisoner.[7]
When they were driven as prisoners in a truck through the rain forest, Marion explained to Mutt that Indiana was his real father. However this led to an argument which became so intense their guard moved to gag Marion which positioned him to be knocked out by Indiana and Mutt. Indiana then escaped his bonds with Mutt's hidden switchblade and freed Mutt who in turn untied Marion. In a hectic adventure through the rainforest and Akator, Marion and Indiana rekindled their romance very quickly despite everything that had happened before, and afterwards they finally became husband and wife, marrying[7] in October in St Martin's Church[31] with Harold Oxley and Charles Stanforth among the witnesses.[7]

Marion at Indy's apartment in 1969.
By August 1969, Indiana Jones still wore his wedding ring but he was living alone in a small New York apartment as the two had come undone out of near inconsolable grief following Mutt's death in the Vietnam War and Marion considered a legal separation, filling the documents on June 28, which Jürgen Voller found out and brought out to Jones during their encounter at the Tomb of Archimedes to force him into surrendering the Antikythera. They ultimately reconciled, however, after Indiana Jones rediscovered himself with the help of his goddaughter Helena Shaw. Entering the apartment, carrying a bag of groceries, Marion decided to remain by Indiana's side after the archaeologist, recuperating following his harrowing experience with Archimedes' dial, was once again the man she recognized.[21]
Personality and traits[]
- Marion: "I'm sure I wasn't the only one to go on with my life. There must have been plenty of women for you over the years."
- Jones: "There were a few. But they all had the same problem."
- Marion: "Yeah, what's that?"
- Jones: "They weren't you, honey."
- ―Marion Ravenwood and Indiana Jones.[src]
Strong of spirit and possessing street-smart savvy;[1] the result of a hardscrabble existence that dashed many of her girlhood dreams, but also gave rise to a capricious spirit;[2] She didn't let any man intimidate her, being a strong woman after all who was completely self-reliant.[32]
Marion was able to drink men under the table and could throw an effective right hook.[1] She had a liking for Scotch, Bourbon, Vodka and Gin, not being keen of Seltzer nor Brandy.[12] She loved her father but was bitter when she became stranded in Nepal due to his work. While René Emile Belloq found Marion attractive, she also had the intelligence needed for a woman to get his attention.[1] For Indiana Jones, the first thing he ever noticed about Marion were her blue eyes. While there were many women in his life after they split up, he confessed to Marion that they all shared the same problem of not being her.[7]
Despite hurt over Jones walking away from their wedding, she still had love for him. She showed care and affection to her son, Mutt Williams, making sure the boy was properly educated and had him taught in many skills such as fencing. After spending time with Jones during the quest for Akator they renewed their romance, later marrying in a small ceremony.[7] Even though she didn't see nor speak to Jones over twenty years, there was still a spark between them upon reuniting.[32]
By August 1969, their relationship had gone sour due to the death of Mutt in the Vietnam War and Marion filed for an uncontested separation. However, by the time Jones had returned from his adventure with his goddaughter Helena Shaw, Marion came back to his apartment as he healed from the ordeal. The two later shared a moment reminiscent of their time in Egypt decades earlier and ultimately rekindled the love they still had for each other.[21]
Behind the scenes[]

Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood.
Marion Ravenwood was portrayed by Karen Allen in Raiders of the Lost Ark,[1] Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull[7] and Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.[21] The character was named Marion after Raiders writer Lawrence Kasdan's grandmother, while her surname was taken from Ravenwood Lane in California.[33] Ravenwood is a tough, self-reliant woman, who is unintimidated by men, and able to take care of herself when the situation demands it, a similar character to Princess Leia in Star Wars.
The script states that Marion's age in Raiders is 25 years old, making her around 15 at the time of the affair with a 27-year-old Indiana Jones.[34] With the release of Indiana Jones: The Ultimate Guide in 2008, this was changed when Marion's birthyear was revealed to be 1909, making her age about 27 at the time of Raiders instead.[2] Karen Allen herself was 28 during Raiders of the Lost Ark. She is nine years younger than Harrison Ford.
In 2008, Hasbro released a toyline to coincide with the release of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull which depicted Marion as she appeared in Raiders of the Lost Ark. There was also an exclusive action figure of Ravenwood made for the planned fifth wave of the Hasbro toyline that went unreleased and instead was made an exclusive figurine for the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con, along with the rest of the fifth wave's toys.[35]
In May 2023, Allen was confirmed to be appearing in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny through a film poster depicting all of the cast's names released on Twitter, though the poster itself didn't confirm whether or not Allen would reprise her role as Marion.[36] That came with Disney's public production notes.[37] Three days prior to the film's official release, Entertainment Weekly published Allen's comments on how much she would have loved to have more screentime in the film, though she was glad to not be left "in the ether".[38]
Allen reprised her role as Marion for Dial of Destiny for the film's final scene.[21] Allen noted that Marion had a larger role alongside Indy in the early drafts written back when Spielberg was set to direct the film, but her role was drastically shortened when James Mangold took over the project with Jez and John-Henry Butterworth, his own writers, who kept her in the dark for a long time, disappointing her a bit with her reduced screentime, but was nonetheless satisfied with the way Marion ultimately returned for a last appearance. Her scene with Ford was filmed in one or two days, making all of the crew "teary" with their "affecting" performances.[39]
To prevent her involvement from not leaking, Allen had to refrain herself from answering questions about her role in the film for a long time, mostly from upset people who wished to know if she was in the film due to her name not appearing in the film's Internet Movie Database (IMDb) cast list, conceiving different answers for the questions.[39]
Concept and creation[]
Steven Spielberg originally intended the role of Marion Ravenwood for his girlfriend Amy Irving, but they split during production.[40] Sean Young auditioned for the role,[33] Barbara Hershey was considered,[41] while Debra Winger turned it down.[42] Spielberg cast Karen Allen, on the strength of her performance in National Lampoon's Animal House. Allen screen tested opposite Tim Matheson and John Shea, before Harrison Ford was cast as Indiana.[33]
Kasdan's depiction of Marion was more complex, with her actually being genuinely interested in Belloq in earlier script drafts.[41] Allen and Paul Freeman added more comedy in the tent seduction scene,[33] as the original script had Marion seduce Belloq to escape, but Allen disagreed that Marion would do this out of loyalty to Indiana Jones and didn't make sense for her, so Spielberg gave her and Freeman permission to come up with ideas to add to the scene, which they did with their improvisations.[43] The actress came up with her own back-story for the character, such as what happened to her mother, her romance with Indiana at age 15 and her time in Nepal; Spielberg described it as "an entirely different movie" to Empire in 2006.[41] This also included Marion prostituting herself following her father's death,[44] which was suggested during the development of the screenplay,[34] even though Allen indignantly affirmed to Indymag in 2015 that her character would never do that when told about how Campbell Black's novelization implies Marion's prostitution.[43]
- "He dragged me, a kid, halfway round the world on his crazy digs. Then he pops off. He didn't leave me a penny. Guess how I lived, Jones? I worked here. And I wasn't exactly the bartender, you understand?"
- ―Marion to Indiana Jones in the Raiders novelization[src]
The finished film concludes with Marion and Indy leaving for a drink after being snubbed by Eaton and Musgrove.[1] Although the original screenplay finished the same way, Spielberg didn't shoot it as both the director and George Lucas had decided that it was unnecessary. It wasn't until Lucas' then-wife and editor Marcia Lucas saw a rough cut of Raiders that she observed that Marion was last seen at the Tabernacle scene after the deaths of the Nazis and insisted on the character being given closure.[45] Convinced by his wife, George Lucas then personally filmed Marion's last scene in the film at the stairs on location of San Francisco with a second unit crew.[46]

Marion returned for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
After Raiders of the Lost Ark was released, Spielberg wanted Allen to return for the sequel, but Lucas decided that Indy would have a different love interest in each film.[33] Jeb Stuart's Indiana Jones and the Saucermen from Mars script had Marion being invited to Indy's wedding with Doctor Elaine McGregor as a guest, during which she would have befriended Willie Scott and teased Indy with his past mishaps.[47] A treatment allegedly written by Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade writer Jeffrey Boam and reportedly handed in February 1996 to Lucas, Spielberg and Ford according to reports of The Lucasfilm Fan Club Magazine supposedly brought Marion back due to the claims it could feature the trilogy's leading ladies, with 1997 rumors claiming Allen was expected to return with the possibility of her character being killed-off in a storyline resembling Peter R. Hunt's 1969 James Bond film On Her Majesty's Secret Service, with horseback riding tour guide claiming to have been hired for a Kaui shoot and been told about Allen's return.[48] Frank Darabont claimed it was his idea to bring back Marion for (what became) Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, during his tenure as writer from 2002 to 2004.[49] Darabont's Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods had Marion encounter Indy again in an expedition to Peru now married to the duplicitous Baron Peter Belasko, only for the two to reconcile and marry at the end after Belasko is undone.[50] Steven Spielberg approved Darabont's idea, and although Darabont's draft was ultimately turned down and David Koepp was brought to take over, Spielberg insisted that Koepp retain Marion.[51]
Diane Kruger's Abigail Chase from the National Treasure franchise and Rachel Weisz's Evelyn Carnahan O'Connell from The Mummy franchise are said to be based in part on Marion.[52][53] Marion was also one of the inspirations of Jeremy Slater for May Calamawy's Layla El-Faouly / Scarlet Scarab in the Marvel Cinematic Universe superhero series Moon Knight, feeling that adapting Marlene Alraune, the title character's love interest in the source material, wasn't a good idea due to her depiction as a damsel in distress and that Marc Spector's love interest should be some to "go toe to toe with the boys" like Marion.[54]
Marion Ravenwood was featured in The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones comic book series in the mid-1980s, starting in the sixth issue after fan concerns about her absence in the first five issues led Marvel Comics to address in the seventh issue's Readers of the Lost Ark letters section that Marion would stay an important character in the series to not deprive Indy's "Abbott" from Marion's "Costello".[9] David Michelinie recalled that Lucasfilm Ltd. gave them no restrictions over using Ravenwood, so he included her likely because Archie Goodwin had in his idea for the sixth issue's plot.[55] However, Marion was written out in issue 25.[27] Although there were plans to bring back her for issue 35,[56] the book was canceled with number 34.[57]
LucasArts staff member Aric Wilmunder originally pitched a prequel video game to the film series that would have included Marion due to the game's planned inclusion of her father Abner, but Wilmunder's pitch didn't gain traction after Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was released and contradicted some of the things Wilmunder had planned to reveal.[58] According to the preview of issue #189 of the Amazing Heroes independent comic news magazine published in March 1991, Marion was going to make an appearance in the Dark Horse Comics' comic book adaptation of the LucasArts video game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis but this was scrapped due to the storyline having "too much plot",[59] even though the game adapted didn't even feature Ravenwood.[60] During the 1990s, author Rob MacGregor was not permitted to include Marion in his prequel novels for Bantam Books' Indiana Jones series despite his interest in exploring Marion and Jones' past relationship, being told that Lucas could be saving her for the fourth film:[61] "How did Indy meet [Marion]? What happened in their earlier encounters? George apparently wanted to keep that for the future. Maybe we'll find out in Indy IV", MacGregor had speculated.[62] Feeling that Indy needed a love interest anyway, MacGregor opted to create Deirdre Campbell Jones to fill Ravenwood's purpose.[63] While writing the novelization of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, author James Rollins was allowed to expand on Marion's backstory from the film.[64] Following the fourth film's release, however, Indycron keeper Leland Chee stated during an interview with TheRaider.net in 2010 that Marion's life between Raiders and Crystal Skull was off-limits for further exploration by writers.[65]
Sources contradict each other for when Marion and Indiana Jones first met canonically. Indiana Jones: The Ultimate Guide has the pair meeting in January 1920 (making Marion eleven years old at the time) whilst Jones was under the tutelage of her father.[2] However, James Rollins' novelization of Crystal Skull has their introduction to one another in one of Jones' graduate classes.[11] Indiana Jones' first teaching job is depicted in the summer of 1925 at London University during the events of Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants where Jones meets his first wife Deirdre Campbell.[66]

Ravenwood and Jones hold up the trophy.
Rollins also has Marion and Jones' first kiss at an unspecified university.[11] The Ultimate Guide sees the relationship with Marion that destroyed Jones and Abner's friendship occur from the spring to autumn of 1925, overlapping with Dance of the Giants.[2] IndianaJones.com's (defunct) Marshall College entry and novelization of Raiders of the Lost Ark place it in 1926,[10][12] though later it is suggested that Indy was 28 years old when he had his first affair with Marion,[12] a detail which would place it in late 1927 with The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles going on to establish Jones' birth in July 1899.[67]
In Raiders of the Lost Ark Storybook Marion is present during the meeting with Eaton and Musgrove in Washington DC.[68]
Marion appeared as part of the SuperBowl XXIX preview for Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye in 1995 played by an uncredited performer. There, she assists Jones in acquiring the stolen Vince Lombardi Trophy but the character wasn't included the attraction itself.[69] However, Karen Allen went on to promote the ride as herself alongside John Rhys-Davies in The Making of Disneyland's Indiana Jones Adventure.[70]
- Indiana Jones and the Genesis Deluge (Hallucination)
- Indiana Jones Adventure World
- Raiders of the Lost Ark novel (First appearance)
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Raiders of the Lost Ark comic
- Raiders of the Lost Ark Storybook
- Raiders of the Lost Ark Read-Along Adventure
- Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures
- Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "The Ikons of Ikammanen" (Mentioned only)
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Club Nightmare!"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Africa Screams!"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Africa Screams!: Crystal Death"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "The Fourth Nail: Blood and Sand!"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "The Fourth Nail: Swords and Spikes!"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Deadly Rock!"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Demons"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "The Search for Abner: The Grecian Earn"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "The Search for Abner: The City of Yesterday's Forever!"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "The Cuban Connection!"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Beyond the Lucifer Chamber!"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "End Run"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "The Secret of the Deep"
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Revenge of the Ancients" (Mentioned only)
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Good as Gold"
- Disney Magic Kingdoms (Ambiguously canonical appearance)
- Indiana Jones and the Great Circle (Voice only)
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure (Mentioned only) (Mac version)
- Indiana Jones und das Erbe von Avalon (Indirect mention)
- Indiana Jones and the Mystery of Mount Sinai (Mentioned only)
- Indiana Jones and the Army of the Dead (Mentioned only)
- Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (Mentioned only) (Cheat code)
- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull novel
- "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" - Indiana Jones: The Official Magazine
- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull comic
- Indiana Jones: Traps and Snares
- Indiana Jones: The Search For Buried Treasure
- Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
- Indiana Jones: Den of Destiny (Photo)
- Disney Emoji Blitz
Non-canon appearances[]
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye
- LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
- LEGO Indiana Jones: Escape from the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull!
- LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 Raiders of the Lost Ark
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 Indiana Jones: The Ultimate Guide
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Indiana Jones: Den of Destiny
- ↑ 4.0 4.1
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Club Nightmare!"
- ↑ 5.0 5.1
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Africa Screams!"
- ↑
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "The Fourth Nail"
- ↑ 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones
- ↑ 9.0 9.1
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Africa Screams!: Crystal Death"
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8
Marion Ravenwood's Marshall College entry on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull novel
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 Raiders of the Lost Ark novel
- ↑
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "The Gold Goddess"
- ↑ Grail Diary
- ↑ The Raiders of the Lost Ark novel sees Indiana Jones' and Abner Ravenwood's friendship collapse when Jones was 28, putting the event after July 1, 1927.
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 Raiders of the Lost Ark Sourcebook
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Indiana Jones Adventure World
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark junior novel
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
- ↑ Marion must have left the Adventure Journal, before her capture by the Nazis, as Indy reveals that he hasn't opened the suitcase since Cairo, when he briefly mourned her apparent death.
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
- ↑ Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients
- ↑
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "The Fourth Nail: Blood and Sand"
- ↑
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Africa Screams! Chapter 1"
- ↑
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "The Search for Abner"
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Disney Magic Kingdoms
- ↑ 27.0 27.1
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Good as Gold"
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Mystery of Mount Sinai
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull junior novel
- ↑ Inferred from Mutt's birth in July 1938 as stated in Indiana Jones: The Ultimate Guide
- ↑ The Greatest Adventures of Indiana Jones
- ↑ 32.0 32.1 Indiana Jones Activity Annual
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 Indiana Jones: Making the Trilogy
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 Raiders of the Lost Ark script development
- ↑ Indiana Jones Action Figures
- ↑ @IndianaJones Indiana Jones on Twitter
- ↑ Production notes.
- ↑ Turning back the Dial: Harrison Ford examines the legacy of Indiana Jones as he caps a historic run at Entertainment Weekly
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 Karen Allen on one last hurrah as Marion Ravenwood in ‘Indiana Jones: Dial of Destiny’ at AP News
- ↑ George Perry (1998). Steven Spielberg: The Making of his Movies. Orion, 44-45. ISBN 0-75281-848-1.
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 41.2 "25 Years of Indy!", Empire, October 2006, pp. 73, 78.
- ↑ Gregory Kirschling, Jeff Labrecque. "Indiana Jones: 15 Fun Facts", 2008-03-12. Retrieved on 2008-03-15.
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 Indymag, February 2015
- ↑ Karen Allen in Raiders of the Lost Ark. ACME. Retrieved on 2008-04-03.
- ↑ How Marcia Lucas Saved Raiders of the Lost Ark’s Ending at Den of Geek
- ↑ Howard Kazanjian: A Producer's Life
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Saucermen from Mars
- ↑ Indiana Jones 4 - First Archive at Coming Attractions (Web archive)
- ↑ "Comic-Con: Frank Darabont Talks ‘Indy’ Similarities", MTV, 2007-07-28. Retrieved on 2008-02-18.
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods
- ↑ The Complete Making of Indiana Jones
- ↑ National Treasure - Script Review at The Complete Sean Bean
- ↑ Why we’ll always love Evelyn Carnahan from ‘The Mummy’ movies at yahoo!
- ↑ ‘Moon Knight’ Head Writer Jeremy Slater on Comic Inspirations and Scrapped Ideas – Exclusive Interview at DiscussingFilm
- ↑ IndyCast: Episode 138 at IndyCast
- ↑
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Double Play!"
- ↑
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones – "Something's Gone Wrong Again!"
- ↑ A Conversation about Indiana Jones and the Iron Phoenix with Aric Wilmunder on YouTube
- ↑ Indiana Jones: The Return of the Great Adventure – Amazing Heroes #189
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
- ↑ Interview to Rob MacGregor at El Recoveco del Geek (Spanish site)
- ↑ Aaron Gantt. Interview with Rob MacGregor. The Indy Experience. Retrieved on 2008-02-18.
- ↑ Indymag, October 2016
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Q&A at JamesRollins.com
- ↑ Leland Chee interview at TheRaider.net
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants
- ↑ The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles – "Young Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Jackal" → My First Adventure
- ↑ Raiders of the Lost Ark Storybook
- ↑ Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye
- ↑ The Making of Disneyland's Indiana Jones Adventure