Indiana Jones Wiki
Dr Jones, what you look at
"Dr. Jones, what you look at?"
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"Listen, kid. Who's tellin' this story: me or you?"
This article is non-canon. This article covers a subject that has been deemed non-canon by either the author or the Indiana Jones licensees, and thus should not be taken as a part of the "real" Indiana Jones universe.

Monkey Island was a place with a monkey visited by Guybrush Threepwood.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Monkey Island is a game series published by LucasArts which appears as an easter egg in Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine's Aetherium level.[1]

While Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine: Prima's Official Strategy Guide identifies the location as Monkey Island, the room is a recreation of Plunder Island's The Barbery Coast from The Curse of Monkey Island.[2]



Notes and references[]

External links[]
