Indiana Jones Wiki
"Who are you?"
The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

Please see the reasons for this title in the "Behind the scenes" section below, and/or the relevant discussion on the talk page.

For at least the 19271928 academic year, Indiana Jones taught at a small, private New England college in the United States of America on the recommendation of Marcus Brody.[1]

By May 1928, Jones was in his second year at the college but had become popular enough to have amassed a waiting list for his classes as well as having three quarters of his students being female at a time when ninety percent of archaeologists were male (much to the amusement and derision of his colleagues).[1]

Faculty and students[]


Other staff[]


Behind the scenes[]

The New England college appeared in Indiana Jones and the Unicorn's Legacy.[1]

It's unclear if the school is intended to be Marshall College from Raiders of the Lost Ark,[2] which went unnamed on-screen until Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, or another institution altogether.[3] Across Lawrence Kasdan's drafts for Raiders, the setting of Indiana Jones' 1936 meeting with Musgrove and Eaton moves from the National Museum in Washington DC to a small New England college.[4] Kingdom of the Crystal Skull later expanded Marshall into a much larger university.[3]



Notes and references[]
