"Paris, September 1908" is the nineteenth episode of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, and the thirteenth episode in season two. The episode originally aired on ABC on June 19, 1993. For home video, it was paired up with "British East Africa, September 1909" to become Passion for Life.
Indy is at an art auction when a familiar work is being sold - and Indy tells a woman attending the auction about when he saw the work being painted, and who really created it.
Behind the scenes[]
The episode was lightly censored during its original broadcast: a desk corner was digitally moved to obstruct Fernande Olivier's bare behind in the scene where she poses bathing for Picasso. Passion for Life uses the original, unaltered shot.
The timeline in The World of Indiana Jones places the events of the episode in July, 1908.
Cast and characters[]
- Corey Carrier as Indiana Jones
- Margaret Tyzack as Helen Seymour
- Ruth de Sosa as Anna Jones
- Lloyd Owen as Henry Jones, Sr.
- George Hall as Old Indy
- Danny Webb as Pablo Picasso
- Jean-Pierre Aumont as Edgar Degas
- Lukas Haas as Norman Rockwell
- Eric Viellard as Georges Braque
- Nathalie Cardone as Fernande Olivier
- Robert Manuel as Henri Rousseau
- Ron Berglas as Kahnweiler
- Armand Meffre as Inspector
- Jean-Pierre Hutinet as Hotel Inspector
- Craig Crosbie as Pimp #1
- Gary Whelan as Pimp #2
- Olga Michalkova as Prostitute
- Jozef Ruzicka as Night Porter
- Jirí Ruzicka as Waiter
- Michaela Flenerova as Prostitute #1
- Jitka Sedlácková as Prostitute #2
- Tomás Hanák as Barman
- Ivana Prchalová as Gertrude Stein
- Ludek Nesleha as Leo Stein
- Alice Dvorakova as Alice B. Toklas
- Jirí Patocka as Old Keeper
- Peter Townes as Auctioneer
- John Bennes as Auction Husband
- Mary McMillan as Auction Woman
- Matt Nikko as Auction Japanese man
- Leonardo da Vinci (Mentioned only)
- Louis Bleriot (Mentioned only)
- Victor Hugo (Mentioned only)
- Paris, France
- Louvre
- Puppet Theater
- Hotel Lepic
- Montmartre
- Le Lapin Agile
- Art supply store
- Studio of Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque
- Restaurant with Can Can Revue
- Street Marketplace
- Cemetery
- Produced by: Rick McCallum
- Created by: George Lucas
- Music by: Joel McNeely
- Written by: Reg Gadney
- Based on a story by: George Lucas
- Directed by: René Manzor, Carl Schultz (bookends)
The episode originally aired in the United States on ABC on June 19, 1993.
Home video[]
In 1996, the episode was edited into Passion for Life, which was released on DVD in 2007 as part of The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Volume One, The Early Years.
Companion Historical Documentaries[]
- American Dreams - Norman Rockwell and the Saturday Evening Post
- Art Rebellion - The Making of the Modern
- Edgar Degas - Reluctant Rebel
- Braque & Picasso - A Collaboration Cubed
Notes and references[]
External links[]
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