Indiana Jones Wiki
"Who are you?"
The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

Please see the reasons for this title in the "Behind the scenes" section below, and/or the relevant discussion on the talk page.

"Your father will prevail."
―Pincoyan guard[src]

The Pincoyan guard was a burly man, who lived in Pincoya in the interior world. His hair was white and wild, and he had one lazy eye and leathery skin. He worked as a guard in the Pincoyan jail.


In June 1929, he served as a guard in the prison area of Pincoya. Though the kingdom had been taken over by Maleiwa, he remained loyal to the former king, Vicard, and his daughter, Salandra.[1]

When Indiana Jones and Salandra were imprisoned in the jail, the brawny man led the transfer of Jones to Salandra's cell on Maleiwa's orders. With his gruff approach and holding a dart crossbow to Jones' neck, Jones assumed that he was one of Maleiwa's men.[1]

After Maleiwa came and went from visiting the prisoners, the guard returned, along with a smaller man bringing food. Thinking that the younger man was the loyal guard that Salandra had told him about, Jones was shocked when the beefy guard slammed his junior partner into the wall. Giving Jones some much-needed nalca, the burly man brought the two prisoners out of their cell. Knocking more heads as they went, the giant guard got the pair out of the prison safely. Sending them on their way, he claimed that he would be able to take care of himself, and that Jones had to stick with Salandra because they needed each other.[1]


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