Indiana Jones Wiki

Poland (Polish: Polska) is a country in central Europe that was formed in the year of 966. It regained its independency in 1918, at the end of World War I, after being occupied by Russia, Austria and Germany for 123 years. The total area of Poland is 312,679 square kilometres (9th place in Europe). The country has a population of over 38 million people. The capital of Poland is Warsaw.

Adventures in Poland[]

Indiana Jones and his father Henry traveled through occupied Polish territories on the Nord Express in 1913. Crossing from Germany into Russia, Indiana commented on the German and Russian languages being divided by a line on the map when Henry corrected that the locals where they were spoke Polish. That led to a brief discussion about Poland's desire for independence.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

From Poland comes Janusz Kamiński, a cinematographer of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and many other Steven Spielberg's films.



Notes and references[]

External links[]
