Indiana Jones Wiki
"Chilled monkey brains."
A Merchant, regarding the unusual dish.[src]

Primate Parfait was a dessert served at the Guardian of Tradition Dinner in Pankot Palace consisting of soft, chilled monkey brains served within the open head of the primate. In 1935, a Pankot merchant was confused that Willie Scott was not eating it. After discovering all the previous courses repulsive, Willie ended up fainting in disgust, having lost all hope in acquiring a satisfying course.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

For Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, whipped cream, food coloring and Jell-O was used for the Primate Parfait.[2]

The Primate Parfait brains were made of custard with raspberry saurce.[3]



Notes and references[]

  1. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  2. IndianaJones Temple of Doom Facts & Trivia on (backup link on
  3. "Steven Spielberg: Inside the monkey brains was custard with raspberry saurce." - Indiana Jones: Making the Trilogy