Return of the Jedi Weekly was a comic series published in the UK by Marvel's British imprint. The comic was the successor title to the long-running Star Wars Monthly which had gone through several name changes while retaining the same issue numbering system. With Return of the Jedi Weekly, it reset back to #1.
It was a mix of reprints from Marvel's American counterpart and original Star Wars stories as well as backup tales from the company's other licenses, continuing with the reprints of The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones until the Indiana Jones franchise received its own title.
Issues with Indiana Jones content[]
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 1
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 2
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 3
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 4
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 5
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 6
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 7
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 8
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 9
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 10
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 11
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 12
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 13
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 14
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 15
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 16
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 17
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 18
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 19
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 20
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 21
- Return of the Jedi Weekly 22