Indiana Jones Wiki
"Siafu. Big damn ants. Run!"
Indiana Jones[src]

Siafu devouring their prey.

Siafu, also known as driver ants, army ants, giant ants, or giant ants of the Amazon[1] are giant red ants.[2] They are typically six inches long, with their size and appearance varying as a result of the quantity of fungus they are fed as larvae. Their jaws are strong enough to break human skin,[1] and a swarm was capable of carrying a full-grown human back to their nest.[2] The giants primarily served to retaliate against attackers.[1]

Siafu were responsible for the deaths of Antonin Dovchenko and at least one Russian soldier in 1957 after they attacked both Irina Spalko and Indiana Jones's groups, during their quest to take the Crystal Skull of Akator back to Akator.[2]

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Behind the scenes

000 ANTS

Real siafu.

Siafu are native to parts of Africa and Asia, not Brazil, and are oversized in the film.

Brazil does have a genre of ants close to the Siafu, from the Atta genus (known locally as "Saúva").



Notes and references

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