An untitled crossover comic between the Indiana Jones and Batman franchises was an unpublished four-issue comic mini-series from Dark Horse Comics, presumably in collaboration with DC Comics.[1]
Howard Chaykin, a veteran Batman writer since 1974 who had also worked as a cover penciller during the Marvel Comics run of The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones back in the 1980s, was approached by Dark Horse circa 2009-10 to write a crossover involving both pop culture franchises. Chaykin's pitch, in his words, considered it a "natural, great crossover", as well as "one of those, synergistic, perfect combinations of characters".[1]
The comic's story was set in 1939. Indiana Jones was to investigate some "reports of a mysterious bat-winged, man-sized figure" that was haunting Gotham City. The first issue would have had Indy tracking the "bat-creature", and upon finding out that the supposed monster was, in actuality, Bruce Wayne / Batman, both heroes would have teamed up.[1]
Despite Chaykin's enthusiasm over the project, the crossover project ended up collapsing for a number of reasons that Chaykin himself didn't fully understand, resulting in its cancellation. In a 2012 interview with the IndyCast podcast, Chaykin unveiled his plans for the book had it not fallen through.[1]
- Indiana Jones
- Batman
- Gotham City
- Bat (Mentioned only)