- "The biggest trouble with her is the noise."
- ―Indiana Jones regarding Willie[src]
Wilhelmina "Willie" Scott was an American singer and actress who found a measure of success in Shanghai in the early 1930s until she ran into the archaeologist Indiana Jones, who managed to drag her into a near-fatal encounter with the barbaric Thuggee cult led by Mola Ram.
Early life[]
Wilhelmina Scott[3] was born around the early half of the 1910s.[2] She was raised by her family on a chicken farm in Missouri,[3] but from a young age her ambitions had lain firmly in Hollywood[4] and had visions of fortune and glamor.[5] While her parents were poultry farmers, one of her grandfathers had been a stage magician.[4] Though she cared for him a great deal and he was a popular entertainer among children, Wilhelmina's grandfather died penniless,[1] which steeled her resolve against living in such reduced circumstances.[5]
Career in the Great Depression[]
While her mother wanted her to be a nurse,[6] Wilhelmina won a beauty contest and tried to make a career as a singer, dancer and actress[3] under the professional name of "Willie",[1] but was unable to break into the American film industry during the Great Depression and also struck out in Chicago and New York City.[3] Failing to make a splash in Hollywood, Willie followed rumors of greater opportunities in the Orient.[5] She had heard that an independent, free-spirited and resourceful girl could make her fortune in the Far East. Reality proved harsher, for she ended up broke and stranded because she refused to do some of the more unsavory things she felt necessary[7] to succeed.[5]
She landed roles in several Shanghai productions[3] where she achieved marginal success in the fledgling film industry. Her profile was enough to catch the eye of one of Lao Che's enforcers, who introduced the American singer to his boss.[5] A local Chinese crime lord, Lao Che hired her as a singer for his popular nightspot, Club Obi Wan,[3] allowing her to build a reputation as a "famous American female vocalist".[1] She was made aware of the club's backstage and kitchen exits.[7] Willie naively thought she could control the crime lord[5] despite being mixed-up in dirty businesses with a little flirting,[7] who kept her in baubles and dresses from Paris, but left her little freedom[5] after falling hard for her, making Scott afraid due to hearing what he was capable to do when any girls he desired jilted him.[7] Though she had a nice little house[1] with a garden in one of the more affluent area of Shanghai[5] and had grown accustomed to riding in limousines,[4] she knew she had to tread carefully with Lao[5] and find a way out of the city soon.[7]
Across her career, Scott claimed to have met people who worked for Chicago gangster Al Capone and was a personal dinner guest of Chinese president Chiang Kai-Shek, coming across several politicians and industrialists she had as powerful contacts.[3]
Escape from Shanghai[]
- "I've been shot at, fallen out of a plane, nearly drowned, squashed by a snake, and I smell like an elephant!"
- ―Willie Scott[src]

Willie Scott performing Anything Goes.
In 1935, Scott had just completed her main role in singing a Mandarin version of Cole Porter's Anything Goes when she joined the table of her boss, Lao Che, who was in negotiation with the archaeologist Indiana Jones.[1] Upon seeing him,[3] Willie eyed Jones with interest[8] and noticed the scar on his chin and found it interesting, wondering how he got it.[3] Not realizing the seriousness of the situation, she made light of Jones' profession. When Kao Kan drew a revolver on Jones, Jones grabbed a long fork to take Scott hostage.[1] Willie was disappointed to learn that the suave Dr: Jones is just another gorilla in a dinner jacket.[4] After Jones was poisoned, Scott scrambled around looking for the misplaced diamond,[1] the biggest one she had ever seen in her life,[5] while Jones sought the antidote. Scott found the vial of antidote and slipped it into her dress,[1] hoping to trade it for the Eye of the Peacock.[4] As gunfire erupted, Jones cut a gong loose, and rolled it toward a window, grabbing Scott, and escaped to the street.[1]

Willie loses the gun.
In Short Round's car, Scott proved to be unhelpful by accidentally losing Jones' revolver, and was dismayed when Jones reached into her dress to retrieve the antidote. On arrival at Nang Tao Airport, Art Weber recognized her as he helped them board a plane to escape. After the plane took off, she had some angry words for Jones, claiming that he couldn't take his eyes off her. She changed out of her evening dress into Jones' more functional dinner jacket and pants, after he had switched into his adventuring gear.[1]
The Temple of Doom[]
Waking up on the flight, Scott discovered that the pilot and co-pilot had abandoned the plane. She woke up Jones, who realized that the plane was going to crash without fuel. Grabbing onto Jones, she and Short Round leaped out of the plane, her screaming all the way down, and used an inflatable raft to safely land and skid down the mountains into a river in India. They ended up in the Mayapore village, which had been devastated by the theft of their sacred stone and their children by the Thuggee at the nearby Pankot Palace. Indy agreed to help, albeit it motivated by suspicion that the rock was one of the lost Sankara Stones and they set off on elephants towards the palace. During the journey, Willie tried to improve the smell of her elephant by spraying it with her perfume, only for it to knock her into a pond which caused her to go into hysterics. Her dislike for wild animals was only increased that night when several examples of jungle life scared her half to death and her elephant kept nuzzling her with its trunk.[1]

Willie served Primate Parfait
Reaching Pankot Palace, she was relieved for the nicer amenities,[1] and was provided by Chattar Lal a gorgeous silk gown,[9] whp showed them the two lavish rooms where they would stay.[10] She was disgusted by the menu of exotic foods at the Guardian of Tradition Dinner, like Primate Parfait. Jones was later able to provide her with an apple. A fledgling romance between Scott and Jones stalled abruptly when Willie nearly became the victim of human sacrifice, perpetrated by the underground Thuggee cult and its maniacal leader, Mola Ram.[1]
Just as Scott was being lowered into a pit of molten lava, Indy and Short Round came to her rescue. With the aid of Captain Blumburtt and his Eleventh Poona Rifles, Pankot Palace was freed from the grip of Ram and the Thuggee.[3]
Later adventures[]
- "I'm going home to Missouri, where they never ever feed you snake before ripping your heart out and lowering you into hot pits."
- ―Willie Scott[src]

An autographed photo of Willie for Indiana Jones.
At some point during their time together, Willie was kidnapped in Hong Kong with Jones taking up the chase on a motorcycle. She and Short Round were also trapped in a burning room but the pair escaped by pulling down the flaming curtains and jumping through the window.[11]
She did eventually make her way back Stateside[5] alongside Indy and Short Round[3] and was more than happy for the break in adventure.[5]
By late October 1937, Scott had become acquainted with Marshall College, Indy's workplace, providing the music for the university's dance, which was advertised by several flyers around late October.[12]
Indiana Jones kept a flyer of Willie Scott's performance at Club Obi Wan and an autographed picture of her in his journal.[13] By 1938, Jones had crossed Scott's telephone number off a notepad.[14] However, as of 1957, a framed photograph of her sat in his living room.[15]
Personality and traits[]
Willie Scott had a fondness for diamonds and a fear of insects.[1] She could speak some Chinese in addition to her native English.[11] Indiana Jones recorded a list of pros and cons about Scott in his journal - with "Speaks her mind" as both a pro and a con.[16]

Indiana Jones and Willie Scott exchange words.
Traveling in India, Scott felt out of her element, being forced to rough it and shrieking or fainting every time something frightened her.[1] Even though her parents were chicken farmers, she prefered indoor parties to the great outdoors.[4] Disliking the smell of her elephant, she dumped her entire bottle of perfume on the head of her mount - though her elephant ended up dumping her in a puddle. She had an impressive screaming ability, as noted by Indiana Jones, as she was able to scream without stopping as they plunged out of a plane and when encountering several jungle animals. She also learned some fighting skills in Shanghai, as demonstrated when she punched a good right hook to a Thuggee.[1]
Scott wasn't a spiritual person, not believing in karma, reincarnation, Heaven or miracles, hence her desperation when she was nearly executed by the Thuggee, leading her to see her life through her eyes randomly, like ancient memories and silvered feelings. She changed her mind, however, when she witnessed the Shivalinga's work over Mayapore and started to think that karma could be fought when Indiana Jones lassoed her with his whip.[3]
Behind the scenes[]
Willie Scott was portrayed by Kate Capshaw in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.[1] Capshaw later married director Steven Spielberg in 1991, seven years after the film's 1984 release.
During the early development of Temple of Doom, more than a thousand actresses auditioned for Scott's role, including the then-unknown Sharon Stone.[17]
Like Indiana Jones and Short Round, the character is named after a pet dog: Willie was the dog of Spielberg. Scott's full forename as Wilhelmina is both a nod to the Wilhelm scream, the stock sound effect used in all five theatrical Indiana Jones pictures, and the character's piercing cries.
Willie Scott appears in the Indiana Jones segment of George Lucas' Super Live Adventure which combined elements from Raiders of the Lost Ark and Temple of Doom. She meets Indiana Jones during her performance of "Anything Goes" but is introduced to the archaeologist at Club Obi Wan by René Emile Belloq. After the brawl breaks out, the singer joins Jones and the show's protagonist Hiromi and the three journey to the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant. There, they are caught in a spike trap similar to the chamber from Temple of Doom. Though Jones rescues them, Scott inadvertently reactivates it again with Jones inside and this time Hiromi makes the save. Belloq arrives but is killed when he opens the Ark and Hiromi continues on with her adventure.[18]

Prop from the fourth film.
In Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, a prop photograph was created showing Scott in her dress from Paris that can been seen in the background of the fifth chapter on the DVD at Indiana Jones' house while he discusses Francisco de Orellana with Mutt Williams. The picture sits by a lamp next to the window.[15]
During the development of the fourth film, Jeb Stuart's draft, then Indiana Jones and the Saucermen from Mars, included Willie Scott as a guest at Indiana Jones' wedding for his marriage to Elaine McGregor alongside Marion Ravenwood, Sallah and Henry Jones, Sr.[19] Frank Darabont's later version, Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods, saw Jones and Ravenwood briefly discuss Willie Scott and the archaeologist informs her that Scott relocated to Hollywood where she married "some bigshot director".[20]
There were plans by LJN in the 1980s for an action figure of Willie Scott, but the toyline was cancelled before one could be made, although a prototype was designed.[21] An action figure of Willie was later made by Hasbro in 2008 for their action figure toyline and a LEGO minifigure of Scott was also made for the sets based on Temple of Doom.
- Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (Pictured only)
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (First appearance)
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom novel
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom comic
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: A Tale of High Adventure
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Read-Along Adventure
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure (Mentioned only) (Mac version)
- Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (Mentioned only) (Cheat code)
- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Pictured only)
- Indiana Jones: Traps and Snares
- Indiana Jones: The Search For Buried Treasure
Non-canon appearances[]
- George Lucas' Super Live Adventure
- LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
- LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues
- LEGO Indiana Jones Adventures: Shanghai Chase
- Willie and Indy's Pencil Games
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: The Illustrated Screenplay
- The Adventures of Indiana Jones
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (TSR)
- From Star Wars To Indiana Jones - The Best of the Lucasfilm Archives
- The World of Indiana Jones
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Sourcebook
- Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
The Temple of Doom: Hold on tight on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
The Temple of Doom: That shower-fresh feeling on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
The Temple of Doom: Captive audience on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
The Temple of Doom: Look into my eyes on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
The Temple of Doom: Care for a dip? on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
The Temple of Doom: Check please on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
The Temple of Doom: Superstar on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
The Temple of Doom: High stakes adventure on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
The Temple of Doom: Diamonds are a girl's best friend on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
The Temple of Doom: Got the Willies? on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
Around the World with Indiana Jones on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
Indy's Read-Along Adventures on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
Short Round's Marshall College entry on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
Willie Scott's Marshall College entry on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
- Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb: 1935 Journal
- Indiana Jones: The Ultimate Guide
- "You Call This Archeology?" - Indiana Jones: The Official Magazine 3
- "The Thrill of the Chase!" - Indiana Jones: The Official Magazine 4
- "No Time for Love?" - Indiana Jones: The Official Magazine 5
- "Indy's Top 10 Funniest Moments" - Indiana Jones: The Official Magazine 6
- The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones
- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Annual 2009
- Sideshow Collectibles (Pack: Indiana Jones The Temple of Doom Premium Format Figure)
- Sideshow Collectibles (Pack: Mola Ram Premium Format Figure)
- The Diaries of Indiana Jones
- Grail Diary (prop replica)
Inside the World of Indiana Jones on Lucasfilm.com (backup link on Archive.org)
- Indiana Jones Cryptic
Phoebe Waller-Bridge Shares Harrison Ford’s Advice For Taking a Punch On Screen on Lucasfilm.com (backup link on Archive.org)
40 Great Indiana Jones Quotes on Lucasfilm.com (backup link on Archive.org)
Lucasfilm Games Rewind: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis on Lucasfilm.com (backup link on Archive.org)
Defining Moments: Short Round’s Choice on Lucasfilm.com (backup link on Archive.org)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 In James Kahn's novelization of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Willie Scott is estimated to be twenty, maybe twenty-five. As the film is set in 1935, it can be deduced that to the fullest, Scott might have been born between 1910 and 1915.
- ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom novel
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Indiana Jones: The Ultimate Guide
- ↑ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11
Willie Scott's Marshall College entry on IndianaJones.com (backup link on Archive.org)
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom comic
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (TSR)
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Read-Along Adventure
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: A Tale of High Adventure
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom junior novel
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 The Adventures of Indiana Jones
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
- ↑ The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
- ↑ The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones
- ↑ Chapter 2: Scouting for Locations and New Faces at TheRaider.net
- ↑ George Lucas' Super Live Adventure
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the Saucermen from Mars
- ↑ Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods
- ↑ LJN - Action Figures at TheRaider.net