Indiana Jones Wiki
"Who are you?"
The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

Please see the reasons for this title in the "Behind the scenes" section below, and/or the relevant discussion on the talk page.

In Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, The officer of the Wurrfler was a Nazi naval officer. He served aboard the Wurrfler, a U-boat, in 1936, when it was used to intercept the Bantu Wind after it left Egypt with the Ark of the Covenant.

This officer stayed aboard the submarine and was not involved in the apprehension of the Ark or Marion Ravenwood, leaving that task to Colonel Dietrich and René Belloq. As Belloq came back aboard with Ravenwood, the officer came down the ladder and got the navigator's attention, from his maps. As the ship was readied for underwater travel, he relayed orders from the captain to the crew to dive.

Taller than his captain, he had to hunch down to peer through the periscope as they neared Geheimhaven.

When the U-boat docked inside the secret island base, he stood on the ship's conning tower, watching Dietrich and Belloq depart.

Behind the scenes

